In 2021, The Riverline was selected to participate in a three year pilot program to develop and implement workforce training strategies. The 5-City Workforce Pilot Program was funded by Building Bridges Across the River (BBAR) in Washington, DC. Five High Line Network projects were chosen to participate. The goal of the pilot program was to create economic opportunities for local residents and build more resilient communities.
The five High Line Network projects included in the pilot program were:
Trinity Park Conservancy – Dallas, TX
India Basin Park – San Francisco, CA
Grand River Corridor – Grand Rapids, MI
The Riverline – Buffalo, NY
11th Street Bridge Park – Washington, DC
Once The Riverline is built, there will be many critical landscaping needs necessary to maintain a high quality and welcoming natural space. A dedicated and experienced Landscaping Team will be required. With that in mind, The Riverline partnered with the Buffalo Center for Arts & Technology (BCAT) to develop and launch a certified Landscape Maintenance Technology course as part of our equitable development goal of creating new career and employment opportunities for Buffalo residents.
The Landscape Maintenance Technology course was approved by the National Association of Landscape Professionals and aligned with their Landscape Maintenance Certificate Program. The BBAR funding allowed our team to launch an "learn and earn" model where enrolled students received a stipend for their time in the course.
The course included 30 hours of online instruction with experienced instructors from the Olmsted Park Conservancy and the Buffalo Zoo. Once the online component was completed, students were placed on a 30 hour site internship to gain skills and experience directly in the field.
In 2024, 24 students successfully completed the course and received their certificates! The students were placed in internships across seven sites that generously gave their time and expertise to help make the program the best it could be. The seven sites that accepted students on internships in 2024 were:
Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens
Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy
You can read about the other four High Line Network sites in the 5-City program here.